eli5: Why do hangovers get worse with age?


eli5: Why do hangovers get worse with age?

In: 2325

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I find myself that it’s more tiredness from being up until 4am drinking than actually having a hangover. I was in holiday recently and drank gin and tonics like nothing and work up the next morning with 3 hours sleep fine

Anonymous 0 Comments

How effective are IV rehydration treatments and techniques to cure hangovers?

Also, has there been attempts to speed up the recovery process by extracting and filtering/treating the blood?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to love to drink, probably a little too much. But at 52 it’s just not worth the 2 day hangover. Even just one drink gives me a headache. Not to mention, menopause weight control is tough. Empty alcohol calories are not helpful.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Consumption of alcohol over a period of time is essentially the equivalent of poisoning your body. When you’re young, your organs could handle it because they are at their best fighting it of but as the years go by and you’re not changing your ways, the casualties simply becomes too much. Slow recovery, sluggishness is a sign the body is trying but barely slowing down the the eventual decline. When even that fails then one of your organs will go with it and you will be be needing medications: possibly for the rest of your life. When even that fails…

Well, RIP.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Non-MD here (philosopher instead): *Everything* gets worse with age, why not hangovers too?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m 40 now and if I have a good session I have brain fog and can’t think clearly for around 5 days after drinking. 1 night of fun for 5 days of pain doesn’t stack up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know how to tell you because I get them only about 1 percent of the time. This happens even though I have came close to death at least five times and was put on a ventilator for lethal levels of alcohol. I feel like it’s a curse supporting my problem with alcohol. People tend to tell me you’re so lucky for that and I tell them no I am fucking not because maybe if I had that negative reinforcement people normally get I would of gotten sick of alcohol and quit long time ago.