Eli5 : why do humans look different but animals and other species look the same?


Eli5 : why do humans look different but animals and other species look the same?

In: Earth Science

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the points others have made (humans have a lot of diversity from spreading all around the world, you can distinguish animals with practice but the method may be counter intuitive to a human), I’ll add this:

We are social creatures. It’s one of our most important survival skills. So have a ton of extra features to communicate with other humans (blushing, eyebrows, visible whites in our eyes, etc.) And a diversity of appearance to make us easily identifiable is an adaptive trait. Plus, a huge amount of our brain is dedicated to interpreting other people – their behavior, assistance, etc. – so we are hard wired to be good at it.

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