I had a great oppurtunity to ask about this while I was travelling in india. I did a cooking class that was just held at the mans home, he had a second, well done ‘teaching kitchen’ in his basement. We ended up making food and eating it with his family that evening after we hit it off!
Anyway, the wife had a Bindi, and I asked about it. She was thrilled to share! She brought out her little pigment grinder and cosmetic ink/pigment, and told me a bit about the reasoning (better explained elsewhere here).
The takeway here being that often with stuff like this, people are stoked to share, and just excited that you’re showing an interest in a non-offensive way. Never be afraid to ask someone about their religious accoutrements. Ask Sikh’s about their daggers, as muslims about Hijab/Niquab, ask about yarmalukes, it’s all good, and I’ve yet to meet anyone who didn’t immediately go ‘OH’ and snap into happy educator mode.
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