Eli5: why do languages have spelling and pronunciation in common? Counting is the easiest example. Most words that are in a foreign language can be almost guessed in English which is very weird to me.


Eli5: why do languages have spelling and pronunciation in common? Counting is the easiest example. Most words that are in a foreign language can be almost guessed in English which is very weird to me.

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10 Answers

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Most languages in popculture and business a lot of people experience are romanance, or European which share a lot of loan words and structure; thus due to a similarity in stucture and via travel/business?media, people have some experience with them. This makes it a lot easier to notice things like this.

and yes I know that this is not true overall, Mandarin is the most spoken language…. da da da! But between what I mentioned above, and on average languages using similar(ish) words for simple stuff that is my take.

Look at the words for yes and no across languages.

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