eli5/ Why do middle east countries donate so little to UNRWA when they have so much money?

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Middle eastern counties only donate a fraction of what UNRWA needs. Why is there so little support of Palestinians when these countries have so much oil money? EU and NA contribute the bulk of the money…

In: Economics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its complex but bottom line is those countries are run by tyrants and dictators who don’t feel a need to adhere to the wish of the people, their main goal is enriching themselves and they have the military might to deal with any civilian uprising.

Make no mistake the people of those countries fully support Palestine but are powerless to force their government’s to act out on that support and if they protest, they might get gunned down in the streets, this obviously suits the west just fine as they support Israel and they dont want a united Muslim front against Israel and many of these tyrants are dependant on the west, some of them are literally only alive because of western support, others were appointed by western nations as they are good lapdogs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those countries’ elites like the Palestinians as a foil to direct popular discontent at Israel. None of them like the Palestinians.  

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do not care about Palestinian people. Palestinians are a useful tool to drive hatred against Israel and enact a proxy war.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because Israel has been trying to remove Palestinians from their land for 70 years and the other countries don’t want to enable it and make it easier. Israel effectively controls all these areas, won’t let these people back to land where they literally still have the deeds, so they should pay for it. If some kid was breaking everyone else’s toys, should all the other parents in the class pay up or make the parent of the kid breaking everything pay?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most middle eastern countries are run by dictators who prioritize their family’s wealth over the demands of the people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do, you and I just dont know. Majority muslims will also not trust UNRWA to use their money wisely.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ultimately the premise of your question is wrong.


Has their donor info.

The Saudis, Kuwaitis, qataris, all give quite a lot per capita. For as rich as the Saudis claim to be, and to some degree they are, it’s a country of 35 million that is about half as rich as Canada per capita. They just concentrate the wealth in a small group who flaunt what they have.

But the Arab states also don’t necessarily need to give aid only the way the west does. They can invest (where possible), even if that’s something as simple as fruit trees, or apartments or the like, it gets them a return on investment, buildings whatever. The west generally can’t do that because of the Israelis but also all of these projects run through Hamas, and we can’t be seen to be giving money to Hamas linked entities, even though everything in Gaza is Hamas linked.

Now the Israelis also don’t want too much unaccounted for money flowing into territory they occupy. So there aren’t a lot of good options.

Because the Israelis control trade and capital flows in Gaza and the west Bank the opportunity for trade driven industry are very limited, basically its smugglers and some minor agricultural and simple manufacturing products.