[ELI5] Why do movies always start with a reminder that it has been modified from its original format to fit my screen? Duh…right? 403 viewsJanuary 2, 2024 Question100.55K September 1, 2022 0 Comments [ELI5] Why do movies always start with a reminder that it has been modified from its original format to fit my screen? Duh…right? In: 1 9 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted September 1, 2022 0 Comments I think it’s a disclaimer in case formatting or anything is incorrect. It’s basically saying, “if something isn’t right with the visuals of this movie, it’s the customer’s TV’s fault, not the people who made and sold the movie.” You are viewing 1 out of 9 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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