Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?


Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?

In: 132

11 Answers

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Movies are usually shot in sequence, with each scene being filmed after the preceding scene. For example, if the story calls for a scene at home, then a scene on the cruise ship, and then another scene back at home, they will often be filmed in that order.

Television shows, on the other hand, are often shot out of sequence. In the above scenario, they will film both at home scenes, then shoot the cruise ship scene.

Another time saver is parallel filming. With a movie, the action typically centers around a person, or a small group of people who are often together. Because of this, they are forced to film one scene at a time.

Television shows, because they have larger principle cast, can break the cast into small groups and each of those small groups can film their scenes at the same time. The operating room scene featuring the doctor, the nurse, the child needing the operation, and the nervous mother can be filmed at the same time as the scene where the older brother is behind the bleachers with the sexy cheerleader and gets caught by the coach – for example.

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