Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?


Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?

In: 132

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Multi camera set ups are one of the biggest time saver.

Think about a fairly simple [reverse angle shot](https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-a-reverse-angle-shot-definition/#:~:text=A%20reverse%20angle%20shot%20is,perspectives%20of%20the%20same%20scene.) in a film.

You have to set up one shot, make sure the lighting is correct, everything in the background is set, and get one actor’s lines and reactions. This can take hours to set up and shoot.

Then you have to repeat the process for the reverse shot.

A fairly simple conversation can take days to film.

With a multi camera setup a similar shot can be completed within minutes.

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