Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?


Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?

In: 132

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll challenge the premise, you’re really talking about super expensive movies. There are tons of movies with only one star that don’t take long to make. Even the most elaborate tv shows aren’t usually high end movie quality.

The Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, etc, they are not at the same quality as a major film, but they could be more entertaining.

There are tons of movies that take no time to make, usually they will get in one famous actor to help sell it.

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