Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?


Eli5 Why do movies, sometimes with just one star actor and usually less than 3 hours long, take years to make, but shows, which often have many stars and have hours in a season, take a winter of summer break to film, and the next season is out?

In: 132

11 Answers

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Also note that TV shows often have multiple directors & crews that rotate in and out every couple of episodes (for example, Director A does episodes 1, 5, 8, and 13, Director B does 2, 4, 9, and 12, etc). Easier to get the work done quicker when it’s split up among multiple people.