ELI5. Why do New England states use home heating oil while the rest of the country seems to use other sources?


They’re not the coldest states. Does it have to do with infrastructure? Thanks. [http://nhenergy.blogspot.com/2014_01_01_archive.html?m=1](http://nhenergy.blogspot.com/2014_01_01_archive.html?m=1)

In: 164

15 Answers

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Yes it does have to do with infrastructure! But also legislation.

If you look up a map of gas pipeline infrastructure in the United States (linked below), you will notice that all high-capacity has pipelines stop heading north in New York. This is largely due to their attempts to curb emissions and climate change, but causes significant harm to New England’s energy supply. In addition to this, the Jones Act makes it prohibitively expensive to ship Liquefied Natural Gas from another nearby state.

Since there is no pipeline-delivered gas reaching the region and it is not cost effective to ship the gas, there is a lot of drilling activity within the region for production of crude oil, which can largely be refined into Heating Oil with low losses. Canada also sells a lot of fuels to the region, but Canada does not produce a lot of natural gas, meaning that they are only able to really sell New England crude oil… which gets turned into Heating Oil.



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