[Eli5] Why do people get bald on the back or front of their head rather than their face, chest or genitals?


[Eli5] Why do people get bald on the back or front of their head rather than their face, chest or genitals?

In: 35

10 Answers

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Androgens, specifically DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Testosterone is converted by 5 alpha reductase to DHT. It’s not how much DHT you have that causes MPB, but your sensitivity to it, which is genetic. DHT binds to the hair follicle and shrinks it, so every time the hair falls out it produces a weaker hair until the hair can no longer break the scalp and there is no visible hair. Now for reasons not entirely known only the follicles on the top and crown of the scalp are susceptible to miniaturization; the back and sides of the scalp are not affected and neither is any hair on the body/face. That is why when people get hair transplants they transplant the hair from the back of the head and place it on the top of the call since that hair does not miniaturize it will stay there for life.

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