eli5 Why do people have a brain center for reading comprehension (areas 39, 40) when we clearly did not need to have this skill for the majority of our history as a species?


eli5 Why do people have a brain center for reading comprehension (areas 39, 40) when we clearly did not need to have this skill for the majority of our history as a species?

In: 16

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

First off, I know this is a complicated subject that I know very little about. That out of the way…

A lot of the brain area studies are not conclusive. The idea that the entire brain is a general problem solving machine and there is no specializing is not widely held. However it is also the case that many of the “specific” regions are not as specific as once thought. Many more people now have this idea of brain networks (most popular in fMRI studies is the “Default Mode Network” which is the brain regions that are active when participants are just laying in fMRI machines). So perhaps reading comprehension requires a certain region, however that doesn’t mean that region only does reading.

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