Because up and down are two directions they literally cannot be confused for one another. Up is always towards the sky or ceiling, down is always towards the floor. You have to intimately understand those concepts to be a functioning human being such as walking and moving. Left and right are not descriptors of really anything, while up and down are obvious general things while also being opposites. Very hard to confuse opposites but very easy to confuse two options that are generally the exact same other than name like left and right.
For me it was learning the anatomical position used as a reference in medicine. It places the person standing in front of you, with their head and palms facing you. Their right is in your left side, and their left is on your right side. I got so used to referring to a patient’s left or right that I have to mentally reverse that to speak of my own.
Up and down are a lot more obvious and straight forward. In an anatomical position, up and down don’t change.
Unless in a zero-gravity environment, up and down are very obvious. Even if you do a handstand, you will probably still have the same reference for up and down. Down is where gravity pulls you, up is the opposite.
Left and right however are entirely dependent on your point of view. Turn around, and they swap direction. Face someone, and your left and their left are opposites. It varies significantly, and so is easier to get confused.
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