Hey everyone.. maybe this is a dumb question, but recently I’ve been wondering why people hate Mayo and say it’s so unhealthy!
Like isn’t it just.. eggs, oil, and seasoning?
Those are all things that to their own extents aren’t considered unhealthy when being looked individually, so why is it that when put together to create Mayo, they suddenly create something unhealthy?
I know Mayo is considered a fat, but I didn’t think it was THAT bad? And aren’t there healthy fats as well?
In: Other
Mayo recipe:
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
250ml sunflower oil
2 tsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice
I suppose you’re highly underestimating the amount of fat that’s in there. Egg yolks are also full of fat and cholesterol. Then you add 2,5dl oil to that… It’s basically just fat mixed with… fat.
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