Eli5: why do people say to get at least 1g of protein for desired body weight when it comes to losing weight?


Eli5: why do people say to get at least 1g of protein for desired body weight when it comes to losing weight?

In: 18

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who lost 350Lbs I see from the comments below that I am not qualified to answer. Try to find someone who lost weight and kept it off and ask them. Most of the people on here have never had to lose more than 30Lbs. Some may have but they’ll be few and far between. You don’t lose muscle mass if you exercise. I ended up far more cut after hitting 200Lbs. I could move in the ring with ease and could STILL bodyslam a 450Lb man with as much if not more ease than when I wrestled at 550Lbs. P.S. Before you assume anything, I was very agile for a 550 pounder.

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