Eli5: why do people say to get at least 1g of protein for desired body weight when it comes to losing weight?


Eli5: why do people say to get at least 1g of protein for desired body weight when it comes to losing weight?

In: 18

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who lost 350Lbs I see from the comments below that I am not qualified to answer. Try to find someone who lost weight and kept it off and ask them. Most of the people on here have never had to lose more than 30Lbs. Some may have but they’ll be few and far between. You don’t lose muscle mass if you exercise. I ended up far more cut after hitting 200Lbs. I could move in the ring with ease and could STILL bodyslam a 450Lb man with as much if not more ease than when I wrestled at 550Lbs. P.S. Before you assume anything, I was very agile for a 550 pounder.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine your body as a very complex and smart machine. From an evolutionary point of view, when you are not eating your body thinks you are in forest don’t have what to hunt. Your body will start burning fat but to produce energy, but also your body wants to preserve as much fat as possible, so at one point will start breaking muscle to produce energy from the aminoacids resulted from the muscle protein. But if you are dieting and constantly have aminoacids in bloodstream, this process will reverse and you will not loose any significant muscle mass. The best example are bodybuilders when are around 3-5% body fat and still loosing weight can go up to 1,5g/lb. They want to preserve as much muscle as possible

Anonymous 0 Comments

If person losing weight and does not exercises 1g per kg gives followingd advantages which are mostly inprovment in quality of life (QOL)

high protein food has low callories and high volume ( eg chiken felle), thus helps to feel a bit more full and thus less stress.

If protein reserves runs low catabilism skyrocketing. While muscle mass reduces a bit to a certain level (and it can be a lot if oerson was orofecional sportsman and than stoped to exercise). But it half of problem. Catabolism causes extra stress to neural system. Therefore if reduce it effect by orotain intake person on diet will feel a bit better and weight loss process will have more chances to reach desired state.

During weightliss skin shrinks too. If protein is lacking skin is less elastic and less responsible to shrinking. That sometimes end up as not nice looking skin folds.

If talking about person who doing exersises than i am cobfused. Whenever i am looking recomendation is 3g of protein oer kg.

Note: never consume high protain dosage in one go ( unless you doing lots of exercise) or you might get orotain poisoning.

Anonymous 0 Comments

1g per what kg? pound? stone?

Anonymous 0 Comments

When trying to loose weight (I.e. body fat percentage) it’s not just that you want to limit muscle loss but it’s actually very effective if you gain muscle because the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn just maintaining those muscles.

I have a friend that was struggling with loosing weight until they started squatting a lot and once her legs started getting stronger everything else got easier so she could do more and more and this made loosing weight significantly more rapid.