Eli5 why do people say to wash dishes or your hands in warm water when cold slows down bacteria growth?


Eli5 why do people say to wash dishes or your hands in warm water when cold slows down bacteria growth?

In: 722

126 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cold slows down bacterial growth while the stuff is cold. Bacterial growth during the short period of washing the dishes or hands doesn’t matter.

However, warm water is better at removing dirt, including bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cold slows down bacterial growth while the stuff is cold. Bacterial growth during the short period of washing the dishes or hands doesn’t matter.

However, warm water is better at removing dirt, including bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it has nothing to do with bacteria growth and everything to do with stuff being more soluble in hot water. Removing dirt and grease and oil from dishes or your hands is much easier with warm water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it has nothing to do with bacteria growth and everything to do with stuff being more soluble in hot water. Removing dirt and grease and oil from dishes or your hands is much easier with warm water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve worked at a job that has to do with a lot of old people.

People who expose their hands to cold frequently, whether while washing dishes, cleaning, washing cars, driving motorbikes without gloves, as cold wind blows over the hands, frequently have rheumatism and painful joints when they get old. My mom is one such victim, and she always told me to wash dishes with cold water to save on the electricity bill. I never complied, especially now that I pay my own bills.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it has nothing to do with bacteria growth and everything to do with stuff being more soluble in hot water. Removing dirt and grease and oil from dishes or your hands is much easier with warm water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the catering businness you’re technically not supposed to use hot water to wash anything that touched proteins (since the heat cooks it and makes it harder to get rid of), but no one cares and does it any way.
As someone said, any temperature that would actually have an impact would be unsafe for you, so who cares

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve worked at a job that has to do with a lot of old people.

People who expose their hands to cold frequently, whether while washing dishes, cleaning, washing cars, driving motorbikes without gloves, as cold wind blows over the hands, frequently have rheumatism and painful joints when they get old. My mom is one such victim, and she always told me to wash dishes with cold water to save on the electricity bill. I never complied, especially now that I pay my own bills.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve worked at a job that has to do with a lot of old people.

People who expose their hands to cold frequently, whether while washing dishes, cleaning, washing cars, driving motorbikes without gloves, as cold wind blows over the hands, frequently have rheumatism and painful joints when they get old. My mom is one such victim, and she always told me to wash dishes with cold water to save on the electricity bill. I never complied, especially now that I pay my own bills.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the catering businness you’re technically not supposed to use hot water to wash anything that touched proteins (since the heat cooks it and makes it harder to get rid of), but no one cares and does it any way.
As someone said, any temperature that would actually have an impact would be unsafe for you, so who cares