Eli5: Why do people twitch when they are falling asleep? Sometimes I am told by my gf that I am twitching when falling asleep and I don’t even know I am doing it.


Why do people twitch when they are falling asleep? Sometimes I am told by my gf that I am twitching when falling asleep and I don’t even know I am doing it.

In: 13

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hey it happens to me too sometimes! I heard that these are called hypnic jerks. They happen when your body gets a little confused while you’re falling asleep. When you’re awake, your brain sends signals to your body to move and do things. But when you’re going to sleep, your brain starts sending different signals to relax your body and make it calm down. Sometimes, while your body is relaxing, it gets mixed up and sends a signal to move, even though you’re supposed to be sleeping. That’s why you feel that sudden jerk or twitch.

I think the behavior is related to sleep paralysis as well.

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