Eli5: why do pixels get burnt in?


What exactly are pixels i mean aren’t they just your screen how do they get burnt in? And why are some screens seemingly immune?

In: 13

4 Answers

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A pixel is a small dot of light and color on your screen that makes up the images you see.

Pixels can be different colors depending on how much red, green, and blue light they emit.

Some screens use plasma, which is a gas that glows when electricity passes through it.

Plasma screens have tiny cells of gas that act like pixels.

Each cell has phosphor material that emits light when hit by photons.

The problem with plasma screens is that if you leave a still image on for too long, the phosphor material can lose its brightness and only show the same color over and over.

This is called burn-in, because it looks like the image is burned into the screen.

Other screens use LCD or LED, which are liquid crystals that filter white light from a backlight.

LCD and LED screens have tiny filters that block or allow light to pass through and create colors for each pixel.

The problem with LCD and LED screens is that if you leave a still image on for too long, the liquid crystals can get stuck in one position and not return to their normal state.

This is called image persistence, because it looks like the image persists on the screen even when it changes.

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