Eli5: why do planes not have their windshield one the bottom half?


If you look at planes they allways have their windshield go from horizon to 45 degrees or more above the horizon. Why is it not the other way around? There is way more to see and be aware of beneath the plane than above. So why do they not do this?

In: 13

11 Answers

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Most important thing to see when flying is the horizon, everything else is useless.

Smaller planes tend to fly looking outside (vfr=visual flight rules) and navigation can be accomplished looking outside often on the sides.

Commercial aircraft fly via instruments (ifr=instrument flight rules) and navigation is accomplished via instruments (mostly gps nowadays).

But ALL landings are done looking outside no matter the type of flight (yes planes can autoland (but 99.9% of landings the pilot MUST see the runway) and subsequent landing IS performed looking at the horizon.

Source: Airline pilot with over 18000 hrs

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