Eli5: why do planes not have their windshield one the bottom half?


If you look at planes they allways have their windshield go from horizon to 45 degrees or more above the horizon. Why is it not the other way around? There is way more to see and be aware of beneath the plane than above. So why do they not do this?

In: 13

11 Answers

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Planes move forward and “up”. Turning essentially consists of banking the plane so that the direction you want to go is “up” relative to the pilot, and then going there. So, the two critical places to see are forward and “up” – the direction you’ll be going. Landing is the one exception to this – during landing, the nose is high, and seeing a runway can be difficult. Airplane designers and pilots have come up with a lot of different solutions – there are planes like the concorde which actually drop their nose. There are techniques for “crabbing” the aircraft on approach to see out the side. And there’s just plain getting used to not being able to see the runway particularly well.

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