eli5: why do public keys encrypt some messages the same?


I heard that along with a public key, you need a initalization vector so that messages are not encryption identically in different instances. Since all a public key does is multiple prime numbers together, why are some keys the same as others? There are an infinite number of prime numbers (I think) so there should be no problem.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lets say I’m sending you a message “password” with my private key. The encryption is extremely simple: “blah”. Now, the attacker may be able to deduce that this message is “password” based on frequency of the phrase or your messages might have some sort of standard. So they know the following details:

* public key
* encrypted message
* decrypted message (of some information)

instead of the following details w/o the initialization vector:

* public key
* encrypted message

they will be able to crack the private key much quicker w/ the known result depending on the cryptography function being used.

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