Eli5: why do retail stock traders have several screens and is it necessary to have more than 1 to trade successfully?


I see so many retail stock traders having 3-4 different screens showing different graphs and charts Is it necessary? It looks so fancy and complicated. Won’t a trader using only 1 screen be successful?

In: 24

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly more real estate to monitor but also different systems often. I used to setup some of these desks for traders, and the most extreme cases would be 10 monitors. Mind you those 10 monitors wouldn’t be connected 1 one pc, and often times it would be up to 4 different PC’s. Usually it was 2 Windows PC’s with 3 Monitors each, then 2 SUN systems set up with 2 monitors each. They could also toggle inputs to the back up windows PC most had their desk as well.
Additionally they often didnt trust the equipment to be accessible to the users, security, user error, etc. and most would be a small streaming box with only monitor, keyboard, and mouse connections and then the network port would coincide with a PC in a rack in the Network closet. If the PC dies or acts up, they just swap the network connection to a different machine to get them back up asap and then they swap around in the closet.

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