eli5 Why do shower curtains always try to touch you while showering?


eli5 Why do shower curtains always try to touch you while showering?

In: 6616

23 Answers

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Basically, shower curtains are perverts. It’s something to do with the formulation of the plastic used in them that causes them to think indecent thoughts in the face of your overwhelming attractiveness, and the life of social isolation that these shower curtains lead leaves them utterly without shame in acting on those thoughts.


Really, it’s probably because the hot air and steam escape from the gap at the top of the shower curtain, creating a low pressure zone in your shower. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the cooler air from outside the shower tries to enter through the space occupied by the shower curtain, pushing it into you. Could also be the Bernoulli principle. I don’t know. I’m not a physicist and haven’t done experiments to check.

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