Eli5: Why do smartphones not need cooling fans like other computers do?


Everybody always talks about the massive computing power of smartphones (movies love the moon mission comparison) but still my phone rarely gets hot. (Only when I use it while charging sometimes)

In: 86

25 Answers

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Smartphones will do it in other ways such as slowing down or crash from its own climate control system(exception is one of the samsung notes series a couple of years back). There are also have thermal paste that will direct some of the heat too. The technology to deal with the heat has gotten a lot better with innovations.
Computers will do a lot more than a phone if both are up to similar technological standard. The computer from 1990s will still be outdated for the current line of computers and smartphones. A computer of today’s standard will play 4k video games and what not with nitrogen cooling.
Hope this answers your question.

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