Eli5: Why do smartphones not need cooling fans like other computers do?


Everybody always talks about the massive computing power of smartphones (movies love the moon mission comparison) but still my phone rarely gets hot. (Only when I use it while charging sometimes)

In: 86

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Smartphones will do it in other ways such as slowing down or crash from its own climate control system(exception is one of the samsung notes series a couple of years back). There are also have thermal paste that will direct some of the heat too. The technology to deal with the heat has gotten a lot better with innovations.
Computers will do a lot more than a phone if both are up to similar technological standard. The computer from 1990s will still be outdated for the current line of computers and smartphones. A computer of today’s standard will play 4k video games and what not with nitrogen cooling.
Hope this answers your question.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just bc a smartphone has “massive computing power” doesn’t mean computers don’t have more computing power. If a smartphone were equivalent to a modern computer it would probably need a cooling fan also.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Firstly, the massive computing power is relative to the the small size of a device that fits in your pocket.

Second, phones run off battery, and are designed around this fact. The CPUs and GPUs are built around ultra low power consumption. Heat from computing comes down to how much voltage/current you are driving through the silicon. Since phones do not require high voltages, much less heated is generated than by a desktop CPU.

High end phones use heat pipes and heat sinks and passive heat flow to redistribute heat instead of active systems like fans.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do, but manufacturers would rather you burn your hands and thermally throttle the performance very heavily.

Wish I could say I was joking but ASUS ROG (dont buy asus, they’re scumbags) and Nubia Redmagic phones (among others maybe?) have smol fans in them that greatly alleviate the above issues.

Do note that I’m talking about higher end phones. Low end phones will have weaker, but more energy efficient processors.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re engineered to have sufficient passive cooling for typical use scenarios. There are circumstances that don’t fit into this typical scenario and phones do have secondary control methods such as throttling performance and finally even shutting down to protect itself from overheating to the point of damaging the device.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Phones also usually get the most advanced processor tech (node) available and are able to deliver more performance with far less power than a desktop would be able to at the same power consumption.

Phone processors will use like 5 watts and a desktop processor will use like 150, but the phone can get a good fraction of the performance that the desktop gets despite this

Anonymous 0 Comments

Phones being more powerful than the Apolo computer is super dated. A USB-C cable has over 500 times more computing power than the Apolo computer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not mentioned but software plays a major role. All of the non-essentials are stripped out of the software. Also processes are killed if they consume too many resources.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That “massive” compute power is relative to older phones. A smartphone doesn’t hold a candle to a proper desktop.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll add that it is perfectly possible to build a PC without any fans. You just have to compromise a bit on CPU and graphics card. Google “quiet PC” for more.