ELI5, Why do solids dissolve better in hot liquids, but gasses dissolve better in cold liquids?


ELI5, Why do solids dissolve better in hot liquids, but gasses dissolve better in cold liquids?

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5 Answers

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If I put an ice cube into a pan, it melts and turns into liquid, then eventually into a gas

We see the more heat we add puts the ice through the three phases of matter solid-> liquid-> gas, in that order.

Using that information we can apply it to other materials. In order to best dissolve a solid into a liquid is to apply heat, as that makes the material more willing to turn into a liquid. Same thing is true for gas into liquid, best way to get it more willing to become liquid is to remove heat or cool it.

The important principles in this question is the **Phases of matter** The three main phases of matter (plasma is ignored) are solid, liquid, and gas. As we mover from left to right we add heat to move to the next phase.

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