eli5 – Why do some obese men get rock hard giant bellies, but you rarely if ever see rock hard bellies on obese women?


Every obese woman that I have ever known has maintained a soft squishy belly, while men seem to get these rock hard beach balls attached to them. What is the difference in male and female bodies that makes this happen?

In: 2315

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Women tend to get subcutaneous fat – on top of the muscle just under the skin. This makes our fat seem soft and squishy.

When men put on fat it tends to be visceral fat. Visceral fat forms under the muscle and around the organs. So the muscle over top is still “hard” to the touch even with an equivalent amount of fat underneath.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Visceral fat (in the abdominal cavity) is more common in men versus subcutaneous fat (under the skin) being more common in women. It’s just a difference in our hormones and how they interact with our bodies to tell it how to store our fat for our various gender survival needs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think one person mentioned alcohol consumption leading to more visceral fat and most others mentioning a disposition for males to have more visceral fat.. both are true.. anecdotally, that has been the case for me.. been a little overweight most my life (I’m a man) and never had a beer gut, then I started drinking heavily for a while and I developed one.. then I stopped drinking and lost and then regained the weight and my beer gut is gone

Anonymous 0 Comments

Men store fat in their abdomen. Women, because of the child birth thing, the fat stores there can get in the way, so they store it out of the way – in the butt and hips. It’s an adaptation to make room.

I suppose there could be some adaptation for men as well – I don’t know hunting or some such. But the female aspect is much more clear.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was morbidly obese for most of my life, about 5 years ago I took off 80 lbs.

I realized the new diet was working when my bely got soft…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Diabetes. I’m a diabetic, a woman, and have a hard fat stomach. I have skinny arms & legs too. I hate it. Starting Mounjaro today, hoping it helps.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone has a set of messengers in their body called hormones. Hormones control a lot of functions in the body. Mens hormones tell their bodies to store fat in our bellies, fat that is underneath the muscle. The muscle being on top makes things stick to form, so it doesn’t look as jiggly. Womens hormones tell their bodies to store fat in their butts, thighs, upper arms, and breasts. This is fat that is above the muscle, making it less solid with more jiggle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wanna know why guys wear their pants under their bellies and women don’t lol 😂 I couldn’t stand walking around with my pants under my belly!