eli5 – Why do some obese men get rock hard giant bellies, but you rarely if ever see rock hard bellies on obese women?


Every obese woman that I have ever known has maintained a soft squishy belly, while men seem to get these rock hard beach balls attached to them. What is the difference in male and female bodies that makes this happen?

In: 2315

9 Answers

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Everyone has a set of messengers in their body called hormones. Hormones control a lot of functions in the body. Mens hormones tell their bodies to store fat in our bellies, fat that is underneath the muscle. The muscle being on top makes things stick to form, so it doesn’t look as jiggly. Womens hormones tell their bodies to store fat in their butts, thighs, upper arms, and breasts. This is fat that is above the muscle, making it less solid with more jiggle.

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