eli5: Why do some pills come loose in a bottle like Tylenol, while others are in separate pouches?


Why do some pills, like Tylenol, come in a loose form inside a bottle, while others are individually packaged in separate pouches?

Is this because some pills are more abused/misused? Does size play a factor? Small Pill = Different packaging.

In: 147

9 Answers

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It varies with location. For example, in Europe, there are very strict laws about getting the correct number of doses in a container.

When the law came in, drug companies did studies, and found that machines which counted pills and dropped them into a bottle were too inaccurate – too many bottles had an extra pill or a missing pill.

The solution was to put the pills into individual pouches. These could be counted very reliably. This was an easy way to sell pills legally, and so became the standard method used in Europe.

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