If adderall is releasing dopamine in high amounts, then why is it that we don’t have a desire to eat high dopamine releasing foods (e.g.: donuts, pizza etc)?
The increase in dopamine makes other dopamine related activities such as listening to music or desiring sex a lot more prevalent. Why is it that certain dopamine related behaviors are increased on this drug, while others such as a desire to eat high dopamine releasing foods diminished?
In: 4
I wish I had an increase in sex drive. Adderall makes it so hard for me to enjoy it bc im overthinking every aspect of it. I have to basically plan when Im going to have sex and skip my meds that day to enjoy it.
As for appetite, im not sure why but I just don’t feel hungry especially if im busy with a task. I have to force myself to eat
Think in terms of the two major nervous systems that we have, and it makes a lot of sense:
From wikipedia “Nervous system” article:
The sympathetic nervous system is activated in cases of emergencies to mobilize energy, while the parasympathetic nervous system is activated when organisms are in a relaxed state.
Generally, stimulants(amphetamine, caffeine etc) will push you towards operating in “sympathetic mode”, while being tired or taking depressants(alcohol, opiates etc) will push you towards the “parasympathetic mode”.
Sympathetic mode is for getting shit done, fighting, running, focusing. This generally slows down much of food processing in our stomachs etc, because that uses a lot of blood and energy, and we need that in our *muscles* now.
Ain’t nobody got time then for the parasympathetic things like: resting, eating, recovering etc.
Which one includes sex probably depends on your personality.
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