ELI5- Why do streets have different labels like Ave, Blvd, Rd, etc.? Are there certain qualifications for what determines them?


ELI5- Why do streets have different labels like Ave, Blvd, Rd, etc.? Are there certain qualifications for what determines them?

In: 909

24 Answers

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In planning, a “road” is route intended to travel from location to location with no or limited destinations, and a “street” provides access to destinations (namely to access residences or businesses).

In naming, a “circle” is a street where both ends connect to the same street or road. A “boulevard” means a wide street (usually lined with trees), and “avenue” means the same thing. “Place” refers to a short street, often one that leads to a small square or public place. A “way” is usually a road that connects a road to a destination or street. A “lane” is typically a street that ends in a cul-de-sac (in the UK, it can also refer to an alleyway), a “court” is the same thing. An “alley” is a service street intended for delivery of goods or disposal of refuse.

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