eli5: Why do submarine/ships/helicopters switch to red light under stealth mode ?


Haven’t seen in real life but nearly all movies show switching to red light under stealth mode (of course also during emergency mode). Shouldn;t red light be visible from a long distance ?

In: 4

12 Answers

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Red or blue light is used by the military to help soldiers adjust their eyes for night time.

It takes 10-20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to darkness, but only moments to adjust to bright light.

So when you are working at night blue or red light is used to prevent soldiers from breaking their night vision.

On a submarine this is used for several reasons.

One it helps with the circadian rhythm. Since the sub doesn’t see day or night out the window having a lower light level on the ship during night time helps the crews with their sleep cycles.

During combat having lower light in the ship makes it easier to see instrument panels and doesn’t interfere with the periscope.

It also helps in case the lights on the ship get knocked out, if the sailors eyes are adjusted to the dark, they won’t poking around blindly in the dark under minimal light trying to fix the ship.

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