Eli5 why do they say to force blood away from a swollen area?


If swelling is a natural thing, why do we wear compression socks, elevate our swollen feet, and put them in ice? Doesnt the blood being there allow the body to cure the area?

In: 42

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s important to remember that not all “swelling” is created equal. Compression socks work best for lymph swelling which is usually caused by pooling of fluids in the lowest position because it doesn’t have a pump like a heart to move it back up. You don’t want that to pool because 1) it’s uncomfortable and 2) can cause skin issues because it stretches your skin out and all that fluid’s not supposed to hang out in one place.

As for blood-related swelling, like an injury, it does flood the area with white blood cells and oxygen that can help with inflammation and infection (not to mention platelets for wound closure). The problem is this process can be rather slow and can lead to increased infection rates. With technology, we can speed up the process and avoid the unpleasant side effects. The most recent research indicates that it’s best to work with your body on these things rather than against it. Some movement is good, it promotes blood flow to the area. Some ice for pain relief is ok, but, since it works by constricting blood vessels, don’t use too much. Let your body do its thing while minimizing pain and further injury as much as possible.

Disclaimer: The above advice only applies in minor injuries that can be managed with basic first aid. Anything more serious needs a trained eye to look at and treat.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m paraphrasing but I was once told this by a Wound Care Doctor regarding scabs.

“Scabs are great for protecting a wound but terrible for healing it. Wound care is wet. ”

So I questioned that…he said, “your body is doing the best it can to heal you as if doctors didn’t exist, scabs, swelling, calluses feet are all ways that your body protects itself to live outdoors, naked”

Makes sense..

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m paraphrasing but I was once told this by a Wound Care Doctor regarding scabs.

“Scabs are great for protecting a wound but terrible for healing it. Wound care is wet. ”

So I questioned that…he said, “your body is doing the best it can to heal you as if doctors didn’t exist, scabs, swelling, calluses feet are all ways that your body protects itself to live outdoors, naked”

Makes sense..