eli5: Why do tomatoes not have tubers like potatoes?


Are they not in the same family?

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3 Answers

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The tomato plant do have small tubers. These can grow to about the size of a thumb on certain plants. Just like on potato these tubers contain a lot of starch that help the plant survive harsh conditions. But the tomato tubers are usually too small to survive even a mild winter. And in general the tubers are biggest before the first flowers which in tomato happens very early compared to the potato. This is all the result of targeted breeding which favours tomato plants with lots of big fruits which end up consuming all the starch in the tubers to make the fruits big and sweet. The potato plant however have been breed to produce many large tubers and are therefore the opposite of the tomato. The potato will make flowers and fruits but not many and are usually harvested before this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Being in the same family doesn’t mean they must share every characteristic. Sometimes even members of the same species can look vastly different, for example cauliflower and kale.

There are many other differences between members of the Solanaceae family too, for example whether they are annual or perennial plants, whether the fruits are poisonous, etc. Overall, the family Solanaceae is defined by a combination of morphological, biochemical, and genetic characteristics that are shared among its members and distinguish them from other plant families.