eli5 Why do viruses on computers even exist?


Like I understand maybe wanting to get information maybe from like big government sources or something, but why do these viruses also target random people?
What is there to gain from screwing up a random person’s software?
Like is it just to be petty or are they gathering data??

In: 2

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As some people have mentioned, there can be financial motivation, but some people just like to watch the world burn. In some cases, it is the digital equivalent of a random act of vandalism. This is probably less the motivation now than, say, back in the early 90s when internet based commerce was less of a thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> What is there to gain

People don’t always need material gain to motivate them.

Some people are insecure and want to show the world their hacking skills. Some people just like to sow chaos and destruction, don’t care about destroying other peoples’ things, and will do it if they think they won’t get caught.

> a random person’s software

In 2023 “you” as an ordinary person likely have a number of things that Eve, a criminal who has access to your computer, would find valuable or useful:

– You have a credit card number; Eve can use it to buy flat-screen TV’s or other valuable goods that are easy to re-sell for cash.
– You have a social security number; Eve can use it to take out a loan, buy real estate, set up a bank account, or apply for a job.
– You have online banking; Eve can log into your bank account and tell your bank to send her your money.
– You have a bank account number; Eve can use that number to make fake checks or request a funds transfer from your account.
– You have files on your computer that are important or irreplaceable to you; Eve can encrypt those files and demand payment in Bitcoin.
– You have an email account; if Eve gets into your email account, she can click on your bank’s “Reset password” link, respond to the email, and now she has access to your bank account as well.
– You have a computer with an Internet connection; Eve can use it to host illegal websites, send spam emails, or route her illegal activities through your computer.
– You are one of many ordinary people. Eve can use a large fleet of ordinary peoples’ computers to “DDOS” (distributed denial of service), overwhelm a website’s computers, for extortion or just for fun.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> What is there to gain

People don’t always need material gain to motivate them.

Some people are insecure and want to show the world their hacking skills. Some people just like to sow chaos and destruction, don’t care about destroying other peoples’ things, and will do it if they think they won’t get caught.

> a random person’s software

In 2023 “you” as an ordinary person likely have a number of things that Eve, a criminal who has access to your computer, would find valuable or useful:

– You have a credit card number; Eve can use it to buy flat-screen TV’s or other valuable goods that are easy to re-sell for cash.
– You have a social security number; Eve can use it to take out a loan, buy real estate, set up a bank account, or apply for a job.
– You have online banking; Eve can log into your bank account and tell your bank to send her your money.
– You have a bank account number; Eve can use that number to make fake checks or request a funds transfer from your account.
– You have files on your computer that are important or irreplaceable to you; Eve can encrypt those files and demand payment in Bitcoin.
– You have an email account; if Eve gets into your email account, she can click on your bank’s “Reset password” link, respond to the email, and now she has access to your bank account as well.
– You have a computer with an Internet connection; Eve can use it to host illegal websites, send spam emails, or route her illegal activities through your computer.
– You are one of many ordinary people. Eve can use a large fleet of ordinary peoples’ computers to “DDOS” (distributed denial of service), overwhelm a website’s computers, for extortion or just for fun.

Anonymous 0 Comments

> What is there to gain

People don’t always need material gain to motivate them.

Some people are insecure and want to show the world their hacking skills. Some people just like to sow chaos and destruction, don’t care about destroying other peoples’ things, and will do it if they think they won’t get caught.

> a random person’s software

In 2023 “you” as an ordinary person likely have a number of things that Eve, a criminal who has access to your computer, would find valuable or useful:

– You have a credit card number; Eve can use it to buy flat-screen TV’s or other valuable goods that are easy to re-sell for cash.
– You have a social security number; Eve can use it to take out a loan, buy real estate, set up a bank account, or apply for a job.
– You have online banking; Eve can log into your bank account and tell your bank to send her your money.
– You have a bank account number; Eve can use that number to make fake checks or request a funds transfer from your account.
– You have files on your computer that are important or irreplaceable to you; Eve can encrypt those files and demand payment in Bitcoin.
– You have an email account; if Eve gets into your email account, she can click on your bank’s “Reset password” link, respond to the email, and now she has access to your bank account as well.
– You have a computer with an Internet connection; Eve can use it to host illegal websites, send spam emails, or route her illegal activities through your computer.
– You are one of many ordinary people. Eve can use a large fleet of ordinary peoples’ computers to “DDOS” (distributed denial of service), overwhelm a website’s computers, for extortion or just for fun.