Alcohol, drugs, smoking, vaping, porn, junk food, video games, TV. The list goes on and on.
Everyone’s situation is different, I (26m) live at home, don’t drive and basically unemployed except for some work here and there.
As humans, we know what we **should** be doing, but only a small amount of people actually **do** the right habits consistently.
**Eli5: Why do we do bad habits despite knowing we shouldn’t?**
In: Other
The benefit it gives us (better feeling, relief, endorphins) makes it worth it to us.
Especially when the consequences aren’t tangible. For example, if we can afford to smoke, then the cost of money is worth it for the benefit to us. But lung disease is probably a cost we wouldn’t pay, but it doesn’t exist until it’s too late, so we sometimes justify that it won’t happen to us .
Sucks that real life’s problems cause people to do this, and I can relate.
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