eli5 Why do we get a red bump when bitten by an insect?


eli5 Why do we get a red bump when bitten by an insect?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cells that are damaged either physically by the bite or chemically by the insect’s saliva release chemicals of their own that cause inflammation. Inflammation is the general term used to represent the body’s response to invasion. The area becomes red because tiny blood vessels enlarge to increase blood flow to the area (provides nutrients to cells and helps immune system cells get there to fight germs). It becomes swollen because those blood vessels become leaky (helps immune system cells get through). It itches/is painful to let your brain know “hey there’s something wrong over here, please address this”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is our body’s reaction to the insect’s saliva. The saliva contains a chemical that our body is allergic to. When the insect bites us, it injects the saliva under our skin. Our body’s immune system reacts to the chemical and causes the bump

Anonymous 0 Comments

İnsect bites.
Those cels sends a distress call.
“Help dude I’m dieing over here.”
Your bodies task force comes in and illiminates the threat.
That little part swells and heats up do to the heat of the battle. And the pus inside of it is the dead cells and such.