eli5: Why do we get nosebleeds? Do any other animals get them for seemingly no reason?


eli5: Why do we get nosebleeds? Do any other animals get them for seemingly no reason?

In: 236

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

well… there’s a lizard that squirts blood from its eye to freak predators out.

The period is a little unique, and results in half the population bleeding around once a month. Most animals don’t really do that.

When things in the deer family grow their antlers seasonally, they start out with this covering of fuzzy skin and blood vessels called “velvet”… When the antlers are done, the deer scrapes the velvet off and leaves bloody rags of it everywhere.

I can’t think of any other random weird blood disturbances off the top of my head.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a nexus of blood vessels at theventrance to the nose on the nasal septum, they are very superficial and bleed easily due to trauma, air and temperature changes.


Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a nexus of blood vessels at theventrance to the nose on the nasal septum, they are very superficial and bleed easily due to trauma, air and temperature changes.


Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a nexus of blood vessels at theventrance to the nose on the nasal septum, they are very superficial and bleed easily due to trauma, air and temperature changes.
