eli5/ why do we have such a tolerance for needing to pee when asleep?


if i am awake and drinking like I usually do i’ll pee extremely frequently and the accumulation of that fluid is never apparent when looking at me but when i wake up i have so much stuff to pee out that accumulated at the bladder that i look like I’ve just found out i’m pregnant why is it that if i tried to hold it in when i was awake i’d be in a great deal of discomfort but i don’t wake up in discomfort but am visibly swollen with fluid

In: 101

40 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two reasons – you’re likely a bit oversensitized during the day if you’re in the habit of going to the toilet before your bladder is super full – basically a trained preference.

The other is hormones- you actually produce less urine while asleep due to a hormone called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) – production increases during sleep, reducing the throughput of your kidneys and slowing the rate at which your bladder fills.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think sometimes it’s psychological.

Do you ever feel fine, and then randomly you have to pee, but someone is in the washroom. You feel like you are going to wet yourself. You’re tiptoeing around. The person is talking forever. Then randomly the urger goes away. Weird.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think sometimes it’s psychological.

Do you ever feel fine, and then randomly you have to pee, but someone is in the washroom. You feel like you are going to wet yourself. You’re tiptoeing around. The person is talking forever. Then randomly the urger goes away. Weird.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think sometimes it’s psychological.

Do you ever feel fine, and then randomly you have to pee, but someone is in the washroom. You feel like you are going to wet yourself. You’re tiptoeing around. The person is talking forever. Then randomly the urger goes away. Weird.

Anonymous 0 Comments

does it usually accumulate somewhere other than the bladder?

Anonymous 0 Comments

does it usually accumulate somewhere other than the bladder?

Anonymous 0 Comments

All people who peed in their sleep got sniffed out & eaten by saber tooth tigers 50,000 years ago

Anonymous 0 Comments

All people who peed in their sleep got sniffed out & eaten by saber tooth tigers 50,000 years ago

Anonymous 0 Comments

Melatonin is part of the answer here. It’s sends a signal throughout the body that it’s dark out and it is time to rest. This effect is systemic, including the digestive tract, which is why most people don’t have regular nighttime bowel movements.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquid moves through your system very quickly. You’re not drinking while you’re asleep, so your bladder stabilizes and doesn’t add much more while you’re asleep.

Chug a bunch of water and then go to sleep. You’ll wake up in the middle of the night to pee.