Your ears are “trained” from birth to recognize when a note or “tone” sounds off. You’re exposed to all sorts of sounds throughout your life. Music, specifically has been governed by a set of “rules” (more accurately suggestions) for a very, very long time and so we get used to what sounds “good” and what sounds “wrong.” This is all purely subjective. The concept of music theory allows us to understand how certain tones work with some other tones.
Keep in mind, there are a ton of bands or artists that make a career using “wrong” notes. (I hate to use the word “wrong” because again, music is completely subjective so nothing is truly “wrong.”) If you’re an avid listener of pop music, then jazz might be a bit off putting to you because of the different uses of chord voicings and harmonies for example.
I’ve studied music extensively throughout my life so if you want a more complex response I’d be happy to elaborate on more specific questions that you have. This is just the eli5 version.
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