eli5: Why do we need emulators to play old games? why can’t we just make the games work without the emulator?


eli5: Why do we need emulators to play old games? why can’t we just make the games work without the emulator?

In: 409

33 Answers

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Imagine you were trying to play baseball, but you only have a football field available. It’s pretty hard to play baseball when you don’t have any bases or a pitchers mound. So the owner of the field pulls out some bases and a portable pitchers mount and puts them down about where they’re supposed to go. Maybe it’s not perfect, like the bases aren’t spaced correctly or mound is too close/too far away, but overall you can now play baseball about 90% correctly, which is good enough for most casual players.

That’s essentially what an emulator does. The game requires some certain things to be able to play the way you want it to, so you need to create an environment for the game to be played. They aren’t ever perfect, which is why you can get some weird bugs, but they’re good enough.

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