eli5: why do we need to workout to be jacked, why cant our bodies make us naturally shredded


eli5: why do we need to workout to be jacked, why cant our bodies make us naturally shredded

In: 90

27 Answers

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Our bodies are designed to adapt to the situation/environment we are in.

When you need to lift heavy weights on a daily basis the body adapts to make things easier for itself: you develop muscles <- the muscles are an adaptation, not the status quo.

When you don’t need to lift weights anymore, there is no need for the body to put energy in maintaining those muscles so your body downsize to whatever is necessary at the moment.

This doesn’t apply just with muscles. Something similar happens with runners: they need more oxygen due to their training so the body adapts and the blood volume increases over time. When they take a break from running the blood volume returns to normal.

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