Eli5 why do we run out of water?


I know we need to conserve water and such but why? Doesn’t it eventually flow back into the ground or evaporated and rained back down regardless of how it’s consumed, so it’s a cycle? Do we lose a bit per cycle?

In: 39

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> I know we need to conserve water and such but why?

Except we don’t. It’s all lies.

Water is infinitely renewable, and your personal use is completely insignificant.

Big water users are agriculture, because in most of the world they pay nothing or ridiculously low rates for water, compared to what people in cities are paying. So not only they use too much water then blame others, they often just plain waste it.

Industry is another big user, but unlike agriculture it usually has to pay.

The whole “water conservation” is basically bullshit by big agriculture. [Like in California it takes about 13 litres of water to produce 1 almond](https://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2014/05/_10_percent_of_california_s_water_goes_to_almond_farming.html). And the big agriculture is sure as hell not paying the same rates as you do.

And even in places without natural fresh water, water desalination is very cheap relative to very small amounts of water a typical person would use. Quite a few countries like Israel already do it.

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