Eli5: Why do we sometimes get random pains


I’m not talking about seriously painful, just in head all areas of the chest or breasts, and mainly like I know I’m ok but why is this happening , it doesn’t hurt that much doesn’t affect my breathing it just happens

In: 23

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also don’t male my anxiety worse, I feel decently healthy, and I don’t think this is a problem, I might just have carpel tunnel in my right arm as well as hormonal changes for breasts, but it is never serious feeling

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, our bodies don’t always work perfectly and pain is a feedback mechanism for us to think about what might be causing it. It seems like most people don’t like to think about it as it gradually gradually gets worse the older we get but if you CAN think about it and try to address the various actual causes and try to focus healthy behaviors at them it can help us live longer healthier lives.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dehydration, mineral deficiency (especially magnesium and vitamin D), muscle spasm, internal ligaments (such as the “side stitch,” or “growing pains” if you’re still growing), usually. So drink a big glass of water, take a mineral supplement and stretch around.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Random pains throughout your abdomen could be pleurisy. This condition may or may not be serious.

But there are tons of things like this in the body. Don’t freak out unless it’s severe or recurring. That’s what doctors are for though. Mention any concerns you might have about random pains. Often it’s nothing. Sometimes it isn’t.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oh also I am young, and I don’t play sports or anything, don’t know if this info helps, people have already given me great answers but this might change something

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those rare random short sharp pains in the chest area that most people get occasionally, is most likely the muscles between the ribs that get cramps/spasms. Sitting at the computer all day or holding your phone for hours definitely doesn’t help. Regular stretching and exercise probably helps to reduce them.

Disclaimer: Obviously you should go see a doctor to get checked out if you get regular chest pains and discomfort.

Anonymous 0 Comments

are you more sensitive to touch, especially around the torso area? because it could be fibromyalgia.