Eli5: why do we sometimes wake up in a really bad mood after a mid-afternoon nap?


This is something that happens to me from time to time since I was a kid.

I would take a nap after lunch, on a day like today. Then sometimes wake up feeling disoriented and depressed. Other times I’d feel fine.

What causes this specifically and why does it only happen sometimes?

In: 183

34 Answers

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When I went to university. I quickly learned how to nap properly. It involves knowing your sleep cycle and never waking up while in REM.

Nap for 20 to 40 minutes and never an hour. If more than 40 minutes, aim for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Sometimes, you may want to drink coffee before your nap to wake up with the caffeine already in your system.

I suggest googling “Boston globe nap” for the 20-year-old article which is nothing but an image: http://archive.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/naps/

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