Eli5: why do we sometimes wake up in a really bad mood after a mid-afternoon nap?


This is something that happens to me from time to time since I was a kid.

I would take a nap after lunch, on a day like today. Then sometimes wake up feeling disoriented and depressed. Other times I’d feel fine.

What causes this specifically and why does it only happen sometimes?

In: 183

34 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of your brain as a warehouse of memories.

The day crew stuffs new memory deliveries wherever they fit and pulls out any as necessary. When you sleep, the night crew helps clean and sort all the deliveries to their proper place.

When you nap, you swap to the night crew but can abruptly tell them to go home when you wake up. All the pallets of memories in transit could just be dumped in place, leaving you disoriented and sometimes feeling strong emotions of any of the pallets were carrying emotional memories.

I generally get these disorienting naps more often when I am stressed and the nap has to deal with moving all those emotional memories around.

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