Eli5 why do we throw up when we exhaust ourself, like when running?


Eli5 why do we throw up when we exhaust ourself, like when running?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you run, the muscles in your legs need a lot of oxygen. Your brain will start prioritizing the oxygen supply of these muscles over your stomach and intestines. After all, your running, so your either not hungry or running is really important at the moment.

With so much oxygenated blood going to your legs, your stomach kinda shuts down. Not completely. In computer terms, it’d be more like sleep mode. Part of this is emptying its contents.

If you wait a bit after a meal before exercising (so your stomach is already (mostly) empty) you should be fine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you run, the muscles in your legs need a lot of oxygen. Your brain will start prioritizing the oxygen supply of these muscles over your stomach and intestines. After all, your running, so your either not hungry or running is really important at the moment.

With so much oxygenated blood going to your legs, your stomach kinda shuts down. Not completely. In computer terms, it’d be more like sleep mode. Part of this is emptying its contents.

If you wait a bit after a meal before exercising (so your stomach is already (mostly) empty) you should be fine.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you run, the muscles in your legs need a lot of oxygen. Your brain will start prioritizing the oxygen supply of these muscles over your stomach and intestines. After all, your running, so your either not hungry or running is really important at the moment.

With so much oxygenated blood going to your legs, your stomach kinda shuts down. Not completely. In computer terms, it’d be more like sleep mode. Part of this is emptying its contents.

If you wait a bit after a meal before exercising (so your stomach is already (mostly) empty) you should be fine.