Because that would require an extra separate system just for toilets and it’s still water going into houses, even if it is for toilets. Being completely untreated could poddibly be dangerous considering it’s water going into homes. Imagine toilet water having dangerous bacteria and then you drop a log in there and the splash gives your bum a little kiss and then you have a colon infection which is not nice at all.
You only have one water input to your home in almost ever construction scenario. There ARE, for example in the combination sink toilet gadgets that prisons have, ways to use the old sink-water to fill the toilet. What an RV owner would call “gray-water”. It’s just too uncertain. What if you DID keep all the shower and sink water and use it to flush the toilet? Sounds good so far… Now what if you run out because you have a party and there’s more toilet use than showering going on? It takes a much more complicated system to rig a backup water option, and most homeowners and home builders see the price tag on such a thing, and take a hard pass.
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