Eli5: Why do we use clean, potable water in toilets?


Eli5: Why do we use clean, potable water in toilets?

In: 228

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because that would require an extra separate system just for toilets and it’s still water going into houses, even if it is for toilets. Being completely untreated could poddibly be dangerous considering it’s water going into homes. Imagine toilet water having dangerous bacteria and then you drop a log in there and the splash gives your bum a little kiss and then you have a colon infection which is not nice at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It was interesting in remote Alaska. They had these rest spots where you could do laundry and they recycled that laundry water into the toilets. So when you sat on the toilet it was really warm from the water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because apparently my cat thinks the best tasting water in the world is in the toilet and on the off chance she sneaks by me into the bathroom, at least the water is clean.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cost of separate infrastructure ; long term wear and tear on said structure. Also for the doggos 🐶

Anonymous 0 Comments

At least in Victoria, Australia, most new residences are required to have a 2000 litre rain water tank connected to the toilets.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two water supplies to a home would be a huge undertaking for the city. And if it was done,noxious gases would exist,making people sick. One condom would plug up a water supply,also. Where available,collecting rain water at home would be ideal

Anonymous 0 Comments

You got it all wrong. The clean, potable water is what comes out of toilets. That’s what you should be drinking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some places don’t. I recall being in the Bahamas and the toilet water comes blue from a different pipe. Could be done here as well with recycled water. Tap to toilet to tap.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You only have one water input to your home in almost ever construction scenario. There ARE, for example in the combination sink toilet gadgets that prisons have, ways to use the old sink-water to fill the toilet. What an RV owner would call “gray-water”. It’s just too uncertain. What if you DID keep all the shower and sink water and use it to flush the toilet? Sounds good so far… Now what if you run out because you have a party and there’s more toilet use than showering going on? It takes a much more complicated system to rig a backup water option, and most homeowners and home builders see the price tag on such a thing, and take a hard pass.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What kinda stanky water do u want in your toilet bro? It’s not like it’s filtered or anything, just regular pipe water lol, should I just pipe all the toilets in town together so when my neighbors flush a fat shit it goes into my bowl to shit in later?